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SFDC:Remote Objectsの条件式について

Remote ObjectsでWhere条件を指定するときは以下のキーワードを使用します。

  • eq: equals
  • ne: not equals
  • lt: less than (<)
  • lte: less than or equals (<=)
  • gt: greater than (>)
  • gte: greater than or equals (>=)
  • like: string matching. As with SOQL, use “%” as a wildcard character.
  • in: in, used for finding a value that matches any of a set of fixed values. Provide values as an array, for example, ['Benioff', 'Jobs', 'Gates'].
  • nin: not in, used for finding a value that matches none of a set of fixed values. Provide values as an - array, for example, ['Benioff', 'Jobs', 'Gates'].
  • and: logical AND, used for combining conditions
  • or: logical OR, used for combining conditions

Format and Options for Remote Objects Query Criteria